Welcome to Katanaxsword, we sold authentic Japanese samurai swords, Chinese swords, Anime & game replica swords in the main e-commerce marketplaces. We have big dreams. Our passion for handmade swords means that we provide our customers with nothing but the highest quality of products, that are guaranteed to meet their needs and keep them satisfied!

Also, We provide customized services for Japanese samurai swords. Please send us your special needs by email. We'll happy to provide you with high-quality customized swords.

Custom Katana

Want to take it to the next level, customize your own Katana? We offer you the possibility to modify the entire nomenclature of your Japanese sword, including the blade, scabbard, handle and all other parts.

You will be able to choose materials, colors, patterns, specifications and even the forging technique.

Once you have ordered your custom Katana, our craftsmen will take your file and begin forging and creating the entire Katana. You will receive updates on the creation process and a tracking number once your Katana is shipped.

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Exquisite Japanese katana craftsmanship

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